The Father’s Love – Part 2


I have meant to come back and continue this but so much has happened these past few weeks. God is doing a lot in our lives right now and we are moving. Literally, we are moving! Lol. As we go through all of this, I reflect, and I am so incredibly thankful. Before I share more, I want to clarify that in no way am I taking away from Jesus, the Holy Spirit or the Word of God. I am just focusing on the Father in this blog post.
There are so many lessons to learn in this life. I feel like if we are open and willing to hear, the Holy Spirit will teach us more than we could ever imagine. I honestly could talk a lot about the love of God as our Father and how much His love has impacted and changed my life. The thing that is hard is that I don’t think there are enough words to accurately describe it, but I will share as best as I can.
Growing up with so many holes in my heart and not having the emotional connection with my natural father made it really hard for me as an adult. I’m sure there are many who are reading this that can relate. The amazing thing is that no matter where you come from or how much of a mess you are, you CAN have the most amazing relationship with God the Father. I watch and listen to everything around me and lately I have started to listen to different people’s description of God and their interaction with Him. I realize that I rarely hear people speak about God as their Father. I hear it casually, but I mean God being their Father for real, not a distant, all powerful, creator that we can’t be close with.
If you are a believer, you know that God the Father sent His son Jesus to live among us on this earth and to die for our sins. This is the ultimate sacrifice. I think that many people become desensitized to this from hearing it in church all of their lives, but when you really think about this and you let it penetrate, it’s life changing and it makes you realize so many things.
When I became a parent, I started to look at His sacrifice in a different way. As a mother, I imagined what it would be like to give up my child’s life for even one human being, let alone people who hated her. The love that God has for us, His children, is beyond our understanding. He allowed His Son Jesus to go through such a horrific torture and death so that the rest of us could have a chance to be with Him again in eternity and so that we could have direct access to Him without having to go through a priest as it was before Jesus’ sacrifice. This is such an unimaginable love. We are able to come directly to the Father as sons and daughters but how many people never do? We are all good at coming to Him with our petitions and when things are not going as we want them to. Yes, He does want us to ‘Cast all of our cares upon Him” because He loves us, but imagine for a second if you have children and they only approached you when they needed something or when they wanted you to fix something that they broke? Just like we want to be close to our children and we want to help them, guide them, hold them and share life with them, this is how our Father wants to be with us. He wants us to come to Him just to sit with Him and to be with Him. Have you ever just stopped to sit at His feet and just enjoy His presence? Do you just stop to come to Him and share something that you learned or that happened to you? Do you ever just tell Him that you love Him and appreciate how amazing He is? So many of us live such a hurried life that we don’t know how to stop. This the most peaceful place to be and it is a place that I have learned to run to as often as I can. Having a relationship with Father, takes away the pressure of having to perform and it changes the whole dynamic of your relationship with God. This is the place where you truly get to know who you are in Him and who He has made you. He will show you secret things and will open your eyes in ways you never have known before. Our Father loves us unconditionally and He longs to be close to us. Just as He has pursued us, we have to also pursue Him and learn to press past all of the things that are in our way from coming close to Him and from receiving His love as Father. There’s a song that says that He is a Good Father. Well, He is the greatest Father. He doesn’t expect us to perform for Him. He accepts us as we are and with the help of His Spirit, helps us and teaches us to be better. He doesn’t expect us to be perfect because He knows it’s not possible for us, which is another reason why we need Him. He doesn’t condemn us when we don’t pray enough or read our bible enough. He gives us grace and helps us when we fall. He listens to our cries and gives us guidance and correction when we need it. He helps us to mature and grow. He fills us with His love and teaches us how to pour that love out to others. He shows us how to walk in His love daily to make an impact on those around us and in this world. He heals our deepest wounds and makes us whole again. He helps us to realize that He really does know so much more that our tiny minds could. He proves that we can trust Him and He will never let us down. As we trust Him, we will learn that it’s ok to let go and not have to be in control because He knows the future and we don’t. Just because things don’t happen as we think they should, there is always a lesson to learn and there is always a reason. As we keep walking with our Father, we will one day look back and understand things a little better. As we learn to walk with Him daily and hold onto His hand, He will guide us through the rough terrain and will help us along this path of life that we are on until we are with Him in eternity forever.

Romans 8:15 – So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.[a] Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” NLT

~ Dez

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