It’s Time for Healing in the Body of Christ

In my last post, I shared that there are many believers who need healing from deep wounds. Many of those are wounds of their past that have never been faced or dealt with. You can read more here –

After praying on this, Father showed me a vision and I saw the body of Christ as a whole with many different parts of it that are wounded. Some of those wounds are deep and have been there for years. He started to share with me that just like in the natural when there is a wound on your body, it needs to be tended to and properly cared for to allow healing. When there is a part of the body even the smallest part, that is wounded and not cared for, that part will get infected and infect the rest of the body. This is the condition of the body of Christ but God wants to bring a wave of healing to his body so that it can be made whole. We all need to seek Him and allow Him into those deep places and wounds that we have placed band aids on. We need to allow Him to come in and dig out the old infected tissue and properly heal those wounds. We first have to be real and honest with ourselves that those wounds exist. It is not super spiritual to walk around like we are all good when we have these deep places that we have shut away and closed the door to. It’s time to get real and to get free. I know this may not apply to everyone because I believe there is a group of people who have already been going through this process. You know if this is for you or not and God knows. Be honest with yourself and with Him. No it isn’t easy. It is downright hard and can feel overwhelming but it is worth it. God will help you through this process if you let Him. Allow His healing touch to reach those places and start to walk out your process of healing and restoration. This applies to the young and the old, no matter what your title is. Imagine how we as a body can affect the world around us if we are truly healed and free. Imagine if we learned to truly love as Jesus loves. Imagine if we stopped hurting each other because of our untended wounds. This world doesn’t need to see super Christians who have it all together. They need to see authentic, real people who have real issues but are willing to admit it and deal with them. Let’s be those people. Let’s be free.

~ Dez

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