The Bride (Dream)

I had this dream on October 6, 2023. I know it had personal meaning but I believe it’s also for the Body of Christ. Please read and hear the message behind it. The first thing I remember was, I was with a large group of people and we were preparing for some sort of big…

Don’t Be Afraid

Don’t be afraid to take a big step when God is leading you. Don’t be afraid to move when He tells you to move. Don’t be afraid to jump when He says to jump. These can be the greatest moments of your life. As long as you hold onto his hand and never take your…

It’s Time to Clean House

Early this morning I was reading the chapter below – ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭13‬ ‭and I started to think about the present day church. When was the last time that you heard of someone calling out sin in church? Paul was no joke and he gave these churches no excuse to not deal with their sin….

Face All the Stuff

I’ve heard it said that what we don’t heal from gets passed onto our kids. Trust me, it’s true. I realize as I have watched different generations it seems that many before me come from a time when you just swept the bad stuff under the rug, put on a smile and kept going. This…

Keep Your Eyes on Him

It has been some time now that I have felt the Lord telling me to be watchful of distractions, to stay vigilant and to focus on Him. It started over a year ago. I’m thankful that I listened because I had no idea all what would transpire after that day. Here we are in January…

Choose Faith Over Fear!

Are you feeding fear or faith? Think about that for a minute. Most people will quickly say that they are feeding their faith, but are you really? You can tell a lot about how a person really thinks by what they say. Have you ever been in conversation with someone who one minute is confessing…

Bloom in the Midst of it All

God speaks to us in many different ways. He speaks through His word, through other people, through dreams and visions or sometimes that still, small voice. Many times with me, He will catch my attention with something that I see and then give me a vision or a “download” at that moment. The other day,…

The Father’s Love – Part 2

I have meant to come back and continue this but so much has happened these past few weeks. God is doing a lot in our lives right now and we are moving. Literally, we are moving! Lol. As we go through all of this, I reflect, and I am so incredibly thankful. Before I share…

Change Your Mind

We have the power to choose right thinking. So many people walk around accepting whatever thoughts pop in their head. The word tells us to renew our minds. This is an action. Fill yourself with God’s word. It takes effort and work but as you choose to do so, the Holy Spirit will empower, guide…

His Relentless Pursuit

This morning I woke up with this on my mind so I am sharing. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines the word relentless as – :showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace. In simple terms, it means when something never lets up or stops trying. This is the perfect way to describe God’s…

New Wineskin

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.” – Mark 2:22 NLT This verse has been on my mind so much lately. God is pouring out His new wine, but are…